Cute Orange Flying Butterfly

Sunday, February 26, 2012

A rapid growth

Owlstar stood broadly on the TallBranch. 8 more cats stood almost directly beneath him, while the other 9 clan-members stood in a semi-circle around them."We know that Mysteryclan is growing strong." Owlstar purred."Let's welcome Leaffrost, Crescentpelt, Hazelberry, and Blackberry as our new warriors!" The clan cheered as four cats dipped their heads."We also know that new apprentices proves our ability to rise from the shadows."Brakenpaw, Star, and Skye, please step forward." Three young she-cats stepped forward.

"Do you all promise to learn the ways of the warrior code, and train hard to defend and serve your clan?" All three nodded eagerly, their eyes gleaming."Then by the power of our ancestors, I make you apprentices of Mysteryclan." Owlstar smiled."Star, Skye. You do not yet have clan names. Would you like to have one?" The sisters looked up at Owlstar."Yes!" They chimed simultaneously. Owlstar studied each of them closely."Star, you shal now be known as Stellarpaw. Skye, you shall now be known as Shadowpaw. Your mentors are Darkfrost and Sunflash." He then turned back to Brakenpaw."Your mentor will be Dawnfoot."

Turning back to face his growing clan, Owlstar raised his head."We have one more order of business." He looked down at a small black she-cat, the only cat left from the mix."Hollypaw, you have told me you wish to follow the path of a medicine cat. Do you promise to turn in your privilage of a mate, in turn to heal your clan and speak with Starclan?" Hollypaw nodded, not hesitant at all."Then I name you the medicine cat apprentice of Mysteryclan!" She padded over to Sandclaw, touching his nose.

"Let's cheer for our new clan-mates!" Owlstar yowled to the sky. Everyone called the cats names until the message seemed to get across."Meeting dismissed!"

(Epic post coming up! Get ready!)


Dovewing said...

Sandclaw led Hollypaw into the Medicine cat den. "Let's start simple. First tell me how much you know." he prompted, sitting down in his nest.

Dawnfoot waited until Owlstar dismissed the Clan meeting before starting with her new apprentice. "Alright. What do you want to do: a tour of the territory, hunting, or training?" she asked.

Anonymous said...

Hollypaw smiled, "Borage leaves can be used to help a queens milk, the roots can be used for infections. Cob-webs are used to stop bleeding and..." She thinks, "Deathberries are very dangerous and are not to be eaten!"

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Owlstar leaped down, stretching out. It had been a day or two since the clan started growing. He glanced at the fresh-kill pile. It was a little low."Cherrycloud!" He called for his deputy.

Dovewing said...

Sandclaw nodded. "Very good. Now, what leaves should be used for infections or any type of wound?" he asked, going through the list of herbs in his mind. 'Marigold, horsetail, chervil, burdock root for rat bytes, and goldenrod.' he reminded himself

Anonymous said...

Hollypaw pondered for a second, "Well, there's alder... Burdock can be used to draw out infections and it also speeds healing, MArigold leaves and petals can also be used to prevent infection. And even though Yarrow is used to make a cat vomit, if you chew it and apply it to a wounds it can be used to relive pain and it prevents infections." She was quite proud that she remembered all that, then something hit her, "There's also echinacia, it's not used very often but it eases infections." She smiled sweetly.

Dovewing said...

"very good! You taught me a few things I didn't know," Sandclaw said, surprised. "Yes, burdock is best for rat bites and infections, marigold is out basic herb for wounds, and best use yarrow to expect poison. Goldenrod and horsetail are also great substitutes for marigold." he pulled a pile of leaves from behind his nest an pushed them in front of Hollypaw. "Here I have marigold, yarrow, catmint, and goldenrod. Try and separate them into equal piles while I get something from the store." he got up and padded into the herb store at the far end of the cave.

Anonymous said...

Hollypaw nodded then started sorting the herbs into different piles.

Primrose said...

Leaffrost flattened her ears when everyone started cheering. It was loud and she didn't like so many eyes focused on her. She shook her pure white scarred pelt self-consciously.Look at all their clean glossy pelts! After a few moments, she headed toward Brackenpaw staying close to the ground.

Brackenpaw purred to Dawnfoot. "I'm up for anything!" Her tail tip was touched and she turned to see Leaffrost looking around as if cornered by badgers. "Oh, uh, this is Leaffrost."

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

(Can't respond until Holly does XP)

Dovewing said...

Dawnfoot dipped her head towards Leaffrost. "Welcome. We're all happy to welcome new cats into the clan." she smiled at Brackenpaw. "We'll do a tour of the territory first, hm? And would you like to come, Leaffrost? It'll be quieter out in the forest. It's getting a bit to noisy for my taste." she muttered the last part.

Sandclaw looked through the herbs until he found the right leaves he was looking for. "Here we go."
He padded over to his apprentice and set the pile of leaves in front of Hollypaw. "These leaves have spikey edges with a furry surface. Do you know which they are?"

Anonymous said...

Hollypaw looked at them, "Beech leaves?" She asked looking at her mentor with green eyes.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Seasonbreeze padded over to Silentpaw."How about we go show you around the territory? Then perhaps I can start teaching you some battle techniques." She smiled down at her apprentice, hoping for some other sign of emotion that proved she was a normal cat.

Primrose said...

Leaffrost barely acknowledged Dawnfoot's welcome. When offered to join, she blinked deep green eyes in consent.

Brakenpaw purred, "The noise doesnt bother me! But I dont mind a nice stroll." She brushed her tail over leaffrost's pelt. "Relax. No one here is going to hurt you."

Anonymous said...

Shadowpaw padded over to where Brackenpaw, Leaffrost, and Dawnfoot were. "Can I come with?" she asked, her eyes sparkling.

Stellarpaw looked at the ground, silently daring anyone to come say hi. She didn't know how Crescentpelt had persuaded her to join. All these cats were making her edgy.

Crescentpelt padded over to Owlstar. "I can go on the hunting patrol if you like," he said.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Owlstar smiled brightly at Crescentpelt."Perfect. Since Cherrycloud seems busy, why don't you choose two other cats to go with you. Stay in the boundaries!" Owlstar purred happily. Everything seemed to be running smoothly.

Holly said...

(SORRY...I guess u don't need me anymore :( )

Silentpaw nodded quickly.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

(Sorry, I didn't know where you went! But Cherrycloud can still come flirt. ;) )

Seasonbreeze blinked, then nodded with a smile."Come on, follow me." She purred, racing to the well concealed entrance of camp.